Share your retrofit experience with other residents

One of the main aims of the site is to allow local residents to help each other by sharing experiences of energy or renewable energy generation work they have had carried out. All experiences are welcome from major solar installations to DIY hints and tips.

View or showcase a retrofit – how it works

Just contact us to let us know if you would either

  • Like to showcase your retrofit and can advise others based on practical experience, or whether
  • You’d like to view or find out more about other residents’ retrofit. We can put you in touch to either discuss on the phone, via email or view in person.

Showcase your retrofit

If you are happy to discuss your own retrofit works you can have a showcase on the site, or else we can just keep your details on our database. Let is know if you are happy to discuss with others via phone, email or in person. If you register with RetrofitSouthampton you will have access to publish case studies or blogs. Alternatively you can contact us and we can create the showcase following an interview or you can can send it to us via email, word doc or PDF.

The kind of thing we are looking for might answer various questions:

  • What were your reasons for the retrofit?
  • Were you aware of all the costs and what you might gain in terms of financial savings or carbon reduction?
  • If it was DIY, how easy was it. What tools and materials did you use? Did you follow any websites/videos or other resources for advice?
  • If you had works carried out by installers/builders what advice can you give others about the experience? (Please note that currently we are not using the site too review or recommend local tradespeople so we’d prefer to keep names anonymous)
  • Did you do any monitoring of the effects and have you reached any conclusions?
  • Anything else you have learned that might be useful to pass on?

We are happy to put people in touch with each other privately, but are very aware of privacy issues so no personal details will be publicly available. The case studies are a series of mini-articles which will allow people to comment and ask questions, alternatively if you are happy being contacted directly for a chat, demo or just a phone call we can facilitate in safely putting people together.

Viewing a showcase.

Contact us and we can put you in touch with someone who is happy to show or discuss  their installation/project either in person, on the phone or by email.

Contact us Register with RetrofitSouthampton

Privacy & safety

If you have kindly offered to answer other residents’ questions or give them advice it is up to you make a decision on whether you just want to discuss via telephone/email/message or whether you want to invite them to your home to give a demonstration.

We will facilitate contacts and do our best to confirm that people are bona fide residents, but it is your responsibility to be careful, what information you might give them and especially who you might invite to your property.

We can arrange visits at your convenience to suit both parties, or you can have a viewing for more than one at a time. If you prefer one of the retrofit team could be present (we will also find it useful!).

See our privacy policy

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